BanG Dream! Girls Band Party!, also known as Garupa or Bandori, is a mobile rhythm game developed by Craft Egg and published by Bushiroad for the Android and iOS platforms. Part of Bushiroad's BanG Dream! music franchise, it was released in Japan in March 2017, and worldwide in April 2018. The game was also released by Mobimon Inc. in Hong Kong, Macao, and Taiwan in October 2017, by Kakao Games in Korea in February 2018, and by bilibili in mainland China in May 2019. A Nintendo Switch port of the game was released in Japan in September 2021; unlike the free-to-play mobile version, it is a premium game. Girls Band Party! has enjoyed success in Japan and worldwide, and is credited with helping the franchise grow in popularity. A spin-off anime series based on the game titled BanG Dream! Girls Band Party! Pico began airing in 2018.